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This is a US supplied 2,000 pound bomb milliseconds before it exploded in a residential neighborhood of Beirut Lebanon a day or two ago.

There have been so many strikes on medical workers and residential buildings in Lebanon the past week I just can't keep up.

#USPol #JoeBiden #Beirut #Lebanon #Israel #FreePalestine #FreeLebanon

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

The Magic of “Multisolving”…

3 Principles
- Everyone matters; everyone is needed
- We can succeed by addressing tough problems in an integrated fashion
- Large solutions start small; growth results from learning & connecting

3 Practices: Welcoming, Learning & Storytelling

Kočičí tramvaj v Tampere ve Finsku. Opravdová, žádná AI, žadný fake.…

dnes som niekde videl použitie čiarok a zanechala tá veta vo mne úplne iný dojem ako by som tam tie čiarky dal ja.. stále to mám v hlave
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

📲💬 Met de nieuwe KNMI-app ontvang je nu verbeterde waarschuwingen met advies over wat te verwachten en hoe je je kunt voorbereiden op gevaarlijk weer. Dit helpt risico’s te beperken en schade te voorkomen. Aanstaande dinsdag is er kans op zware windstoten in het westen en noordwesten van het land. Houd de weerberichten in de gaten via de KNMI-app. 🔗…
in reply to KNMI

als ik kan helpen om de weg te wijzen in hoe F-droid werkt moet je dat even laten weten; ik help graag.

Hey, it's vaguely around my birthday time! give me a present and learn that :

Bluesky wants to eat you...

Threads wants to eat you...

Facebook/Instagram wants to eat you...

the list goes on and on.

Stop being a product.

Also, boost this.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to The Gibson

Little correction:
Facebook has most likely eaten you years ago...

Ubuntu Server: A Cheat Sheet…

So let's use the ridiculous Mike Tyson vs white boy youtuber whoever fight to discuss what really matters here, which is the lack of IPv6 #multicast routing over the internet. In a world where everyone is forced to cooperate instead of using artificial scarcity to make money and burn carbon, a Raspberry Pi could have streamed the event to the entire world. Think about that. Of course, more importantly a single cell phone could stream protests or news events too. you see where this is going...

The Ontario government wants to remove existing bike lanes and harder to build new ones. If you live in Ontario, consider commenting on this bill.

Nine years ago I found out a #windows malware downloaded #curl from the curl website in order to spread itself...…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

this is so cursed. why would any mallware do this, they fixed it i guess but whyy


Sensitive content

na :24 je Gašparovič a Zeman telefonicky.. vzhľadom na Zemana okej.. to ani nie je smiešne toto
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Oba tyto dinosaury by raději neměli nikde ukazovat. Jejich názory už stejně málokoho zajímají.
in reply to DonBahno

u nás majú prime time. Na ČT24 sa mi program páči, pozerám skoro od obeda.
This entry was edited (6 days ago)

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 16 updated and 1 added apps:

* TubeSync: Sync YouTube playlists offline.

RB Status: 339 apps (28%)
Egg Status: 3.57 🐣

The #Magisk repo at had 3 modules updated today.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Free and Open Source Software is a (partly-) political stance

#foss #opensource #floss

  • Agree (0 votes)
  • Disagree (0 votes)
Poll end: 6 days ago

in reply to Thaha Jemni

Property ownership is inherently political. Not right/left political, but about the distribution of the economic wealth.
in reply to Mike Gifford

@mgifford "Property ownership". Never look at FLOSS that way, but I guess you're spot on!

The joys of finding an unexpected package of butter tea and Nag Champa waiting for me after coming home...

Docela by mě zajímalo jaká témata na fedi hledáte. Co vám tu skutečně chybí? Osobně nemám ten pocit, že by byl mastodon/fedi profilovaný jako geek místo. Jsou tu umělci různých oborů, vědci, zahrádkáři, je tu silná komunita kolem pletení a ručních prací. Mnoho z toho sleduju přes hashtagy na jiných instancích protože je toho ve výsledku tolik, že se to nedá v jedné timeline usledovat .... 🤷‍♂️
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Žena neví co chce, ale nedá pokoj, dokud to nemá.
Kachna nic nechce, ale je rád, že to má.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Jan

@Jann podprahová reklama.. už už som sa chcel uraziť. :kekw:

Following on from his excellent intro to #XR (eXtended Reality) #accessibility, Joe Lamyman's XR accessibility for people with seeing disabilities, is well worth a read:…

I'm excited that I am now on Medium. My first post, entitled "An Introduction," is now live. I speak a little bit about my journey and some of the things for which I am really passionate, like accessibility and technology.

If you'd like to receive updates , you can find me on Medium.
Please follow me to get the latest.…

Is it my imagination, or has Safari gotten better at describing HTML errors in the past year? I'm previewing an xhtml file, and in addition to an offending line number where the error stops the page display, I have a reference back to a missing or incorrect tag that caused the problem. Kind of cool.

T-Mobile confirms it was hacked in the wave of recently reported telecom breaches conducted by Chinese threat actors to gain access to private communications, call records, and law enforcement information requests.…


my #inbox and Cisco Anyconnect has a special relationship. Obviously.

I started this mastodon account yesterday as a fresh start and a blank slate. I do not have an interest in seeing politics, hateful posts, or anything negative and impure. I am here for love, compassion, and mindfulness. If you have any interest in #Shinto #Buddhism #JapaneseBuddhism #Mindfulness #Meditation #Betterment #MentalHealth #MensMentalHealth #Sobriety or any similar concepts, please give this post a favorite, or me a follow so I can follow back.

I want to cultivate a timeline full of respect, unity, love, and compassion.

#bettermentjourney #mindfulliving #mindfulnessjourney #middlepath #compassion #compassionateliving #todayisanewday

Položme si zásadní otázku.

Co Mastodon, potažmo jeho komunita udělala za poslední dva roky od posledního exodu z Twitteru/X pro to, aby byla schůdnější pro koncového uživatele?

Po tom, co si odpovíte na tuhle otázku, si uvědomte, jak funguje Bluesky i když není decentralizovaný. Odpadá tam babylon všech možných i nemožných instancí, dá se tam vyhledávat napříč příspěvky a netechnickému uživateli nepraská hlava, když se ho snaží pochopit. Prostě funguje, dokonce out of box.

Ono se to zdá jako prkotina, ale polovina běžnejch šmoulů, kteří si sice umí nainstalovat Threads, protože jim to řekne Instagram, nedokáže pochopit, jak s ní pořádně nakládat.

Tohle není hate, jenom jeden z pohledů, proč to dopadlo tak, jak to dopadlo.

Čím dřív si určití lidé uvědomí, že to není masovka, ale vlastně docela underground, bude se jim najednou líp dejchat. Některý bitvy prostě vyhrát nejdou.

A ono je to dost možná ve výsledku určitě dobře.


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in reply to Johnny in Mirrorshades

Mně to docela vyhovuje, že nebude mastodon masovka, se dalo čekat. Pro BFU je to vše moc složitý.

@Piciok erklärt, wie der Inhalt des Getränkekühlschranks im @metalab durch taktile Profilschrift und Braille für Menschen mit Blindheit oder Seheinschränkung zugänglicher wurde.
#make #blind #inklusion…

in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

I also love chocolate-covered hazelnuts. But the most important that they must be raw, not fried. I rarely see that nowadays, but when I see it, I eat it!

in reply to Pffff...

So, I wrote a paper, I'm sure it'll be accepted in Nature.

5 ways to catch AI in its lies and fact-check its outputs for your research…

Tamas G reshared this.

Microsoft Mgmt Deteriorates GitHub UX - Goodbye Perf and Progressive Enhancement?

Mu-An Chiou writes @muan:

"React got pushed down from Microsoft management and most of us on the [GitHub] front-end team quit."

#webperf #ProgressiveEnhancement #github #Microsoft

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To any #Voiceover users who are considering trying BlueSky, a word of warning.
It’s technicaly accessible, but presents a few problems. focus is never on a post, but on an element within a post. So you may find the Like button rather than the post itself, and you need to swipe through every element of each post. That’s a real pain. Also, some buttons either don’t work at all or do something unexpected.
I found navigation very difficult and was never quite sure where I was.
I haven’t found any images with Alt Text either.
The layout isn’t great.
All in all, it’s a bit of a trial to use. It’s almost as if they haven’t really bothered with #Accessibility. Fancy that!
Perhaps I should persevere with it, but, quite frankly, life’s too short, so I won’t be using it.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

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in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes Thanks James, do you know about their API's possibilities? I.e., Is it possible to develop a fully-fledged app?
in reply to André Polykanine

It seems to be, yes. There are already alternative native apps in the iOS App Store, and they list clients as an expected use case in their API documentation. They also claim that their own mobile app uses exactly the same API they make available to developers, although I'm not sure how true that is.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Walmart offers Aira Nationwide 🌟

Holiday shopping just got an accessibility upgrade! 🎁 For the first time, Aira is available nationwide in Walmart stores and online at – one of our most requested Access Partners! You asked, and Walmart delivered. Here’s what our explorers are saying:

"For the first time ever, I was able to go to my local Walmart and pick up an order I had placed independently. Excellent service!"

"The Agent did an excellent job guiding me through Walmart to the prescription counter and back. Exceptional navigation skills!"

'"The Agent helped me navigate to the customer service counter – so efficient and professional."

Download the Aira App for free for IOS or Android and visit your local Walmart today!
Learn more: 🎄✨

#AccessibleRetail #InclusiveShopping #DisabilityAccess #HolidayShopping #OnMyTerms #AccessForAll

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Dear Mastodon,

If you could stop suggesting that I change my carefully chosen camel case hashtags to all lowers, that would sure be swell.



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You'd think Raspberry Pi of all companies would have a Mastodon presence, but they don't even have Threads bridging turned on 💀
in reply to Steve Troughton-Smith

And the reason being: they were dogpiled off the fediverse for… *checks notes* …no real reason


If you find yourself following fedi conflicts and getting exhausted yet unable to look away, step back. Follow CA/B and certificate authority root program conflicts instead for a palette cleanser.

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

They’re the opposite of what goes on here. The issue at hand generally seems rather dry, and the parties in the wrong are generally obvious. But the fallout is fascinatingly measured, clear-cut, and diplomatic while the parties obviously in the wrong struggle to mitigate their errors as their entire business’ reputation is on the line. So there are enough stakes for it to matter, but for once you feel you have enough context and it doesn’t feel personal.

Finished @viscousplatypus’s “The Accessibility Operations Guidebook” this morning. Probably a good idea to read if you do digital accessibility and want to scale up your impact. I recommend.

This quote from a former independent consultant who has become an employee really lands.

Info on The Storygraph:…

Buy (I did the Payhib ebook but read it on my Kobo; no Amazon in this house):

#a11y #accessibility