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This ought to be good. Is this the same Pablo Reguerín who was sitting alongside Chancellor May at an interview with The California Aggie's editorial where May lobbied for the student fee supporting NCAA athlete perqs by likening NCAA athletes to disabled students by saying they too needed "special" supports? And didn't say anything about that? That Reguerín?

Do you know who was among the chancellors who never replied to hundreds of emails regarding UC's ableism? Chancellor May of UC Davis!! @disability @academicchatter

#UCAccessNow #Ableism #UCDavis #DavisCA

in reply to UC Access Now

The ableist analogy Chancellor May made.

Disabled students don't only PAY to be on campus - no free ride disability scholarship - UC has a legal obligation it continues flouting to be fully accessible to the public funding it. Arguing that the student body should pay fees to support a small % of student athletes/future mega sports corp employees who are given special tutors, a special health building, and other perqs already is not only patently ridiculous, but by likening it in this way to how UC chooses to segregate disabled students instead of being highest common denominator of accessible by default is bound to further encourage resentment of disabled students as a "cost"!… @disability @academicchatter #Ableism #CivilRights #UCDavis

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