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Brian Broome (on another platform) wrote:

"I was just reading the story about the woman who left 1,000 dollars in tips at a #taco joint because she thought she was gonna be #raptured. [during the eclipse]
When she wasn't, she went back to the taco joint and demanded her money back accusing the servers of stealing it somehow.
And I'm really hard-pressed to think of a better analogy for the state of American #Christianity."

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Justin Ekis reshared this.

in reply to Keith D Johnson

It's sad that it's stories like this that make headlines. As a practicing Christian who knows many, many other practicing Christians I can absolutely assure you that this does not reflect the state of American Christianity. Most of us are reasonable, rational and sensible people.
in reply to David Goldfield

Sadly the reasonable, rational and sensible Christians don't (often) vocally push back against the Christian bigots.
in reply to Victor Westerhuis

Oh, we do. The media usually just doesn't cover our reactions because they'd rather make Christians look like total idiots by showing certain individuals who poorly represent Christianity. I blame our media for this and not our Christians. The calm, clear-thinking Christians who really know how to rationally defend their beliefs never get called on to comment on issues by most media outlets. Instead, they'd rather shine the spotlight on extremists.
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in reply to Victor Westerhuis

Content warning: Christianity

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to MatthewToad43

Content warning: Christianity