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Go to Wikipedia and click on the "Random Article" sidebar link. (Direct link to Random Article: )
Whatever article comes up, try to invent a reason why someone else should find this article interesting.
This is a fun thing to try with other people. Person 1 gets the random article and tries to get Person 2 to be curious to learn more. Then switch roles. After each round, whoever did the best job provoking curiosity (as agreed by all) gets a point.
in reply to Steve

I got: 'Hoonah Police Department'.
Having never heard of the place, my first thought is, 'what possibly interesting arrests have they made there? What sort of crime happens in a place called Hoonah? Is it one of these unusual places that perhaps has one general store, a church and one main diner that where everyone goes and knows everyone else?'
in reply to Steve

Well, when you read something like

'The department also has a distinct shoulder patch depicting an erect grizzly bear, the Pacific ocean, and snowcapped mountains, along with totem images from Tlingit culture' It's hard not to wonder why, or who thought that the word 'erect' made sense in this context.

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