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Let's face it. I'm old, and not likely to get up on stage much anymore.

It's time to thin the herd. There's a few I'm going to keep (Jenny, Li'l Red, and Spellcaster), but the rest?

Up for grabs. Including Stingkitty (asking €250). and Badtz (asking €300). Prices include Gigbag und shipping. Within reason.

If you use/have access to Kleinanzeigen, nee eBay Kleinanzeigen, you can easily find the ads.

If not, but you're interested, you know how to DM.

#Basstodon #Bassist #Bass

in reply to Blippy the Wonder Slug (MOVED)

Absolutely no reason you should have to give up playing if you don't want. Consider, software that since the pandemic, I've been using to play/make/create music with new and old friends online from the comfort of my home. Think way glorified zoom/teams but *proper* stereo audio, clean, tasty, fun and just so much vibe and energy.
in reply to Andre Louis

We're 1000% better than this now, but consider this video recorded what, must be 2.5 years ago now. We've subsequently written tons of new music, some of us having never met in-person, all using this software.
in reply to Andre Louis

Who said anything about giving up music? I'm just thinning the herd, and still plan on wanking at home. I don't need a dozen bases cluttering up the bedroom to do that. A short, medium, and full scale should suffice.

😜 I'm not as bad as Geddy.

in reply to Blippy the Wonder Slug (MOVED)

Ahaahh good, I just couldn't stand by and watch if someone felt like they had to delete their entire life, you see? My bad. Musician-first mindset here :)
in reply to Andre Louis

But equally, my fear was that after pandemic, I'd never gig again so I saw your post and was kinda musically triggered. I found my way out of it and yeah.