The reason why #uxn and concepts like #permacomputing excite me is that I'm a sucker for archival practices.
Today I was reading about a new proposed standard called Records in Context. There is a fantastic text (in German) introducing and overviewing the reasoning behind RiC. Basically it is nothing less than a revolution in digital archival practices as it wants to forego the classical tree model in favor of a relational model for the organization and contextualization of knowledge.
It doesn't sound like much. But when one becomes aware about all the effort that archivists, librarians, restorators, and other people active in GLAM are putting into care, maintenance and organization of their respective archives, proposing new ways of going about your daily business can have huge impacts.…
Records in Contexts – vom Baum zum Netz
Im September 2016 wurde anlässlich des Kongresses des Internationalen Archivrats (ICA) in Seoul unter dem Namen «Records in Contexts» (RiC) der erste Entwurf für einen neuen, umfassenden archivischen Verzeichnungsstandard vorgestellt, der an die Stel…VSA, Verein Schweizerischer Archivarinnen und Archivare ¦ BIS Bibliothek Information Schweiz