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One of my favorite things about the underprotected mass delusion that is "return to normal" is being accused of holding my wife hostage because we live an alternative lifestyle that involves ventilation, filtration, masking, and not getting COVID into every last one of our progenitor cell lines.

So yeah I'm a bit done with everyone's shit.

in reply to Hannu Ikonen

But yall, don't worry.

COVID's over, because Musk needs a new space yacht or two.

Clownshow, anyone who is live action roleplaying "everything is normal, definitely not 14,000,000 years deviant from our hominin ecological niche climatologically, nor is COVID an actual thing anymore".

#CovidIsNotOver #covid19

in reply to Hannu Ikonen

Further, it's laughable that the pushback on Mask Bans is not focusing on the fact that every last one of us is vulnerable, that COVID is a ticking multitropic timebomb that exists to rob us of our lives, chronically more so than acutely, and that everyone qualifies for an Exemption from Banning Masks by virtue of being alive.

Nassau County can lick my ass. But only after they put on an N95 and do a couple of RATs first. Same with any piece of shit cop enforcing it.

#covid19 #CovidIsNotOver

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Hannu Ikonen

Obviously from an equity standpoint by the way, these assholes in charge have done everything they can to marginalize the Overtly Vulnerable and that was BEFORE #COVID19, so just couching it in those terms, although god damned important, just, and righteous, isn't going to move the needle for these selfish assholes making these Mask Ban decisions.

We are all exempt from mask bans if we give a shit about our health. It's a value decision. Do you value your life?

Start to expand this value into the ethos and lets correct the injustices we've just accepted among those Overtly Vulnerable because of "it doesn't affect me" type individualist ignorant ass logic that permeates western society.

in reply to Hannu Ikonen

Me: "Hi, My name is Hannu, and I'm a Truthaholic. "

*waves at the group*

Me: "You see, I believe in reality and listen to reality so when reality tells me COVID will shorten my life by 1.5 to 40 years after every single given infection, will mutate my progenitor immune cell lines so they don't function properly, and that we have enough CO2 in the atmosphere to punt us 4 Epochs back in time to a pre-hominid, pre-hominin era, and thus put us on a collision course with extinction, I tend to not ignore that and take precautions."

(Group member): "You were accused of being a paranoid loon werent you?"

Me: *sigh* "Every day since March 17, 2020."

in reply to Hannu Ikonen

Police officers have maybe 1/15,600th the training I have as an MD, but now they get to determine the appropriateness of Masking in Nassau County.

What a fucking farce.