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I bought a rat for $20, named Wally, who somehow ended up as a successful stock broker, and appeared on a 90's-era sitcom playing the piano. He could only play one note at a time, but he had his own theme song

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in reply to Patrick Perdue

I'm very annoyed at you right now. That is unnecessarily catchy.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@FreakyFwoof Speaking of annoying people, I've decided I want to buy a clarinet when I am next in North Carolina. I haven't played one in 26 years, but I can't help but remember all the fingering positions and such, so I will most likely be doing a bunch of annoying in a short time.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof There are lots of cheap options, and really cheap, like scary, oh god run away... wait, this thing is made of rubber? How does that even work?
I've found something that looks reasonable for not a lot. Kind of like, I dunno, a really good casio.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Once upon a Rat... Not sure if you remember that. I also had a dream about a rat and made a silly thing about it.