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#AudioMo On the afternoon of November 7, 2014, I was at Clearwater Beach, Florida, when I decided to stand in the surf with my Zoom H6 and it's X/Y microphone capsules, and recorded a few minutes of the ocean waves.
It wasn't a particularly nice day, kind of overcast, windy and a bit cold for the time of year.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Very cool! Do you happen to have a higher res version of this recording!
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@FreakyFwoof @vick21 Ah. "Audio (MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC, OPUS, AAC, M4A, 3GP) up to 40MB. Audio will be transcoded to MP3 using V2 VBR (roughly 192kbps)."


in reply to Timothy Wynn

@twynn @FreakyFwoof @vick21 Just hope it doesn't also transcode mp3! Then I can make higher quality encodes locally and upload those. And for some reason it doesn't really like opus all that much. You can make it handle it if you change the extension to .ogg and try up to 3 times, but if you try and upload .opus it just fails.
in reply to x0

@x0 @twynn @vick21 Listen to my recent sea post. I uploaded that from a flac in VBR, and if you download it, well it's ugly. mp3-transcoded mp3. Nasty.