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#AudioMo Continuing with the idea of existing without saying much, let's go back to a Sunday afternoon in October of 2009, as I'm with my father in his 1965 Ford F100 pickup truck with a NASCAR race on the radio... Well, mostly commercials, actually.
Recorded with a Zoom H4 and it's built-in X/Y microphones.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Makes me wish I'd had recording gear the day my uncle Paul picked me up from Paddington Station in an articulated lorry and drove me home (as you do.)
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof That's almost as cool as driving a train to school... and I don't mean, like, taking a train to where your school is, on tracks and junk. Just, ya know, hanging out on the road, driving a train... to school... yeah. Always wanted to do that, but of course couldn't.