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in reply to Tim Chapman-Wilson

It's such a joy to experience image descriptions like this, it was like watching a mini documentary with your musings sprinkled in here and there. Love it!
in reply to Erion

Thank-you @erion for this very kind feedback, it has made my day 😀

Early on in my #mastodon experience adding #alttext to my images was definitely intimidating. But several excellent threads from folks like @JesseF8693 helped to clarify how valuable this small amount of front-end work can be, and now it's just a habit, and one of the things I enjoy the most about posting here.

(I do wish you could edit alttext after posting tho - @SDF 💚 -since I often make blunders.)

#blind #visuallyimpaired

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Tim Chapman-Wilson

You are very welcome, it's the least I can do when I see such excellence 😀

Clients such as Semaphore usually support this via an option to delete and redraft, which also lets you edit media description. In case it helps.

in reply to Tim Chapman-Wilson

You can edit alt text after posting in the main interface. Semaphore does not have editing capabilities. When logged in via the website, after viewing a toot you want to edit, click on more below the toot and click on edit. Edit the image description then hit save.
in reply to Robert Kingett, blind

Just to be clear, the main interface of which client?

I did not mention specifics deliberately, since not everyone is using Mastodon in the fediverse.

in reply to Erion

The main instance interface. Login to your instance on the web. That interface
in reply to Robert Kingett, blind

Sure, but again, this depends on what software you use to host your instance. Each server has its own interface, which might be powered by Mastodon, Akkoma, Pixelfed, Funkwhale, Bookwyrm, GotoSocial, etc.
in reply to Robert Kingett, blind

Right now Akkoma, which is a fork of Pleroma, but I am very likely going to switch to either GotoSocial when it becomes mature enough, or to something else equally lightweight.