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Okay, so I just have to rant a little. So Apple has been doing some pretty shitty stuff regarding developers and money lately. They act like they're above the law. And sure, they'll gladly follow it for Russia and other places where they're asked to take apps like VPN's off the App Store. But in the EU where they're being asked to open some stuff up and give developers and users freedom? They just continue to kick and scream all the way. And I sit here, with a Pixel 8, one of the newest, supposedly best phones there is, and I hate using it. I love my years old iPhone SE 2020, much more than a year old slightly high end phone. And yep, it's all about accessibility for me. And y'all know I'll change my mind when I'm presented with something better. I mean, I sit at work all day and use Linux and barely even notice anymore. But give me an Android, and TalkBack drives me crazy.

Like, we have Braille Screen Input on Android. We even have reading and selection commands on the TalkBack Braille Keyboard. But when you go to use it, you always have to turn the phone to where the USB C port is facing left. Now, I know, that's not terrible, but it's something that turns me off a lot. And I've told Google accessibility, and I've talked about it ever since it came out, but it's still how things work. And it just slows me down. It's pointless, and they could easily just flip it around.

Now, there is an option to flip the *dots* of the Braille Keyboard, but that doesn't flip the commands. So, when you swipe right for a space, it actually backspaces.

Now, I do need to give Commentary Screen reader more of a chance, and see if they have an extention that'll send a screenshot to AI to be described. And if they don't, I'm sure there's an HPPT client for LUA, so one can be scripted I'm sure. But Commentary doesn't even *have* Braille support.

Meh, everything is a mess. And here I am about to give Apple yet more money in a month, because I do want a new phone, and I don't feel like getting a new Samsung, just to be disappointed. Again. With Android.

#apple #iOS #Android #Google #accessibility #blind

in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

This is what I mean when I say blind people don't really have a choice. When I rant about Apple's bs, folks are like, "you have a choice, you could use Android". But that's not a real choice. Both are still closed enough ecosystems that there are limits to how much better we can make their accessibility as a community.