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How many machines at Apple Park were affected by #Crowdstrike do you think? Haha
in reply to Andre Louis

I imagine just a single developer had a very mild "oh no. Anyway..." reaction before they realized they didn't even run crowdstrike software on that one sad little MacBook Pro reserved exclusively for running a single VM responsible for iTunes and iCloud for Windows that nobody wants to touch. lol
in reply to Talon

@talon I don’t know how people justify going to a third-party for window security in 2024. Don’t trust the Colonel? Don’t use the OS.
in reply to Talon

@talon This makes me wonder what their accountants, lawyers or facilities / HR people use. A lot of software in those professions (especially historically) was Windows only, or at least worked somewhat better on Windows.
in reply to Andre Louis

Uh, probably none hazarding a guess as it's Apple Park. As a matter of fact, I've just been listening to Dave Plummer talking about how the #Crowdstrike outage was caused. And it was a very very interesting listen even to me who is technical, but not that technical. He explained it in the technical way, then how it would make sense.
in reply to Tom Grant

@TomGrant91 Oh I don't believe that for a minute. It's good to know what the competition is doing, and so someone somewhere is very likely running windows of a sort. As it's on a corporate network, it could be the slightest bit possible they need a corporate antivirus, IE: Not just Microsoft defender, so maybe, just maybe, they used Crowdstrike. I wouldn't say it's a 0% possibility.
in reply to Andre Louis

@TomGrant91 0.42%, if we assume 8.5 million is an accurate estimate of what went down, which is the figure the media are going with, and use the 2019 estimate of 2,000,000,000 computers in the world.
it was a tiny outage for all practical purposes but with a big boom impact.

Worryingly just one security company to blame, too. hard to imagine how all the testing and qA missed the possibility. Any sort of big rollout should be staggered. Even if they'd had an hour or two's grace from a big push the results would have been incomparably less damaging.

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @TomGrant91 That's it exactly. I've been reading a lot of things, watching a lot of videos and so many, many people are asking why the update wasn't staged.