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I found an extremely interesting and fun #Mac #app called #soundpaste. The idea is that you watch a video and if you hear something interesting you press the hotkey at the beginning of this thing and then you press the hotkey again and the audio is automatically copied to your CLipboard, ready to paste in Protools or whatever other DAW. It can record system audio without system driver, so that's a plus.

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in reply to Arkadiusz Świętnicki 🇨🇳

the hell? that's...awesome! if voiceover for some reason speaks during your selection, does the audio contain that too? hmm, I should probably try to make that for other OS's, eg linux, unless we already have something like that? fascinating idea
in reply to bgt lover

@bgtlover If you make VoiceOver speak during your clip, it will be heard. It does capture the wholeoperatingoperation system.
in reply to Tarren (They/Them)

@Tarrenvane I have no idea if something like that exist but seem like a cool idea for a new programmer wanting to develop something folks will appreciate.
in reply to Arkadiusz Świętnicki 🇨🇳

Jak duży dźwięk można przechwycić i co z następnymi? To jest tylko takie tu i teraz… Przechwyć, wklej gdzieś i koniec? Jak to widzi historia schowka potem?