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Anarchism is just the way people act when they are free to do as they choose, and when they deal with others who are equally free.
-- David Graeber

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in reply to Anarchist Quotes

A billionaire dumping waste in the river: "This is just the way I act when I'm free to do as I choose. Others are free not to drink from the river or to get into a shoot out with my private army."

An all white town lynching the only black family: "This is just the way we act when we're free to do as we choose. They're free to buy more guns to defend themselves against us."

A small town refusing service to the only trans person: "They're free to move somewhere else."

in reply to raccoona_nongrata

“A billionaire dumping waste in the river” is enabled by the coercive state.

“An all white town lynching the only black family” is enabled by the coercive state.

“A small town refusing service to the only trans person” is enabled by the coercive state.

It’s easy to imagine people already powerful in our society acting with impunity, because they already do right now, under the status quo of the coercive state. This is the antithesis of what anarchists are talking about when we discuss and advocate for freedom, which includes the freedom to resist these depredations.