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ahahahhaha, Apple did it again, you can use your personal voice for VoiceOver speech in iOS 18, something I wanted last year. Now my wish came true, and my phone can read text in my own voice even for my screen reader. Very amused. It has a .3 second delay or so, making it less suitable though for quick usage. Also the non-working "equalizer" option inside the voice options, at least for now.
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in reply to Tamas G

Yay! I want to do that too, but I think I need to update my old SE 2020 to do that. Which device do you have?
in reply to Martin in Toronto

@mcourcel oh the 14 pro, so hopefully it's still supported on that one? Under "speech" heading of Accessibility, you will have "personal voice" listed.
in reply to Tamas G

I need to figure out how to make my own voice on the IPhone. I did that with bixby, and it doesn't sound like me at all.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry settings > accessibility > speech heading, look for personal voice. Considering I created mine during the first iOS 17 beta, when it was new and your earpiece didn't get to cut out VoiceOver's speech which meant part of it was always included in fragment to my recordings, it's far better than I expected.
in reply to Tamas G

should I unhook my phone frommy mixer when I do this? lol. right now it is hooked in threw an adaptor. it doesn't use my mixers microphone. sadly it still uses the phones microphone.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry hopefully they had fixed that problem, I'm not sure - you could see what the experience is like and whether they've made the set-up less annoying in that way.
in reply to Tamas G

does it tell you what to say, and then you hit a button, or does it tell you what to say, and it is already litening. samsungs you could see on the screen what to say, and you had to hit a start button.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry I think it was more that way, where you had to press a button and then speak after getting a chance to read it. Problem was at the time you couldn't double-tap with 2-fingers to stop the recording and manually had to swipe around again to find the stop / next button to continue with next prompt.
in reply to Tamas G

that was the nice thing with the bixby one, either it just stopped listening when it thought you were done talking, or it left the button highlighted, and I didn't have to go hunting for it. I should post something so you can hear how bad it is. I talk into my microphone so you can hear my voice, and then let you hear my bixby voice which is suppose to be me. like I said it is just down right offle, but none of the processing was done somewhere else. it was all on the phone, and actually didn't take long at all! I think maybe 15 to 20 minutes at the very most? maybe 10 to 15 minutes even.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry wow no wonder then! Apple takes over-night, in fact for me it took over half a day to generate on my 14 pro, which is why I have not tried to re-record it again - mainly because the process itself was so tedius to get done (over 30 minutes of recording or so,) then the processing time, but they really do a good job at isolating your voice. Should record a demo of my own voice recording stuff from iOS just for fun, :D
in reply to Tamas G

well this isn't good. so hooked into my mixer anyway I almost lose voiceover. you don't hit a button in it now, it has the phrase there, and it is listening to you while you are trying to record it.
in reply to Tamas G

ok, now that is interesting! never seen that before! I went to settings, accessibility, and had to give permissions for it to send me notifications.
in reply to Tamas G

@JamminJerry Friend of mine is using his voice right now. Sounds about as slow as IOS 6 on an old iPhone, so I'm sure it'll get better in time.
in reply to Dan Gero

@dangero I am having trouble recording my voice as there isn't a start listening button on the screen. it is listening while the phrase it wants you to say is on the screen.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry @dangero ah yeah, it might be switching your speech to the phone's earpiece, check to make sure audio isn't coming out of it instead when it starts to listen.
in reply to Tamas G

@dangero it didn't when it was hooked to my mixer. lol. now that it isn't hooked to the mixer, this might work.
in reply to Tamas G

@dangero ok, I am going to have to do this later tonight. it is picking up my central air, even though I am not near it. lol. it said high background noise after it heard me. it had a listen button, and I could actually hear it in the background.
in reply to Tamas G

That's cool! I personally wouldn't want to read anything in my voice, but good to know that feature is there. I'd be likely to ask someone else to record their voice instead haha.
in reply to Tamas G

je crois que à capella sur Android propose un système similaire où on peut utiliser notre propre voix pour talkback mais je crois qu'il faut payer une licence