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Hello hive mind of the fediverse...

As #Drupal7 is going to definitely die soon, I'm looking for simple and #secure blogging system to replace it and to host my #blog. After those years I see a plethora of #PHP based options.

As I've realised #Drupal/#WordPress grade #CMS is an overkill for my needs, it can be something more simple, less complex. Wysiwyg editor and automatic updates possibilities would be more than enough...

What are your favourite solutions?

in reply to Arnan

@arnan Drupal 7 is going end of support early January next year. That system is with us for more than a decade, which has been an incredible ride. And as there is no really easy migration path to supported branches, like drupal 10, I'm looking for other options.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

WP is a pile of crap lately... So careful with that 😐 maybe @classicpress though, which I use and like much better? Or are you going to drupal 8 pr something?
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

in using a simple d10 install and the Tome module for mine. Gives me peace of mind that drupal isn’t doing anything weird while I’m ignoring it. But for simple.. I’m using the Hugo static site generator for an internal work site and it’s great.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

for really lightwheight project, I like flatfile cms like grav. Last I checked, edition was based on markdown, but you could add a TinyMCE plugin if you need a wysiwig.
in reply to Shubb-Niggurath

I'm also using Grav, for some reason I thought it did wysiwyg but maybe I installed a plugin. I've been happy with it but I do neglect it like almost everyone.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

Personal take: Do you need CMS anyways? I mean it's not like one needs to change 70 articles per hour. I believe for quite a few blogs statically compiled website is perfectly fine. And you save on hosting as it's just heap of static assets, no PHP, no db.
I believe Jekyll or Eleventy are the more known names here.
Personally I use empress-blog, but I know many will frown on the idea of full blown SPA for this.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

if you do not want to self-host I'd say plain editing, just your words.

Else there's Kirby, but you have to pay and be capable with templating.

Anyway have a look here:

in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

I agree with the 'I just need a site builder' approach. WordPress is easy up front but I don't want to monitor updates for what's basically a static site.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

A few other people have suggested static site generators (Hugo, Jekyll, Pelican - which is the one I use - etc.). I do think that's a good way to go and would recommend it, but with the caveat that it's a very different experience than WordPress/Drupal-style WYSIWYG editing in the website itself. With a static site generator you write and edit your content locally, in a text editor or local WYSIWYG app or whatever you like, then compile it into HTML, and upload that. You can make a decision about whether you're open to that kind of approach and proceed accordingly.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

I recently switched to #hugo (came from #wordpress). No need for updates, as it is a generator. Good for security. For me, no need of wysiwyg, because markdown files are easy to edit with your editor of choice. Also, it comes with nifty features, like ability to create images, sitemap, RSS feed, etc.


in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

Depending on your needs, #GravCMS may be something to look at. There's a #drupal7 exporter to #GravCMS, too (disclosure, I wrote the exporter a while back)
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

I moved to hugo a couple of years ago, and I'm happy using Vim/Neovim and markdown to write my posts ... but, you could probably use any editor 😃
in reply to r000t


Well, yesterday I was like Jekyll vs. WordPress... But today, once I received so much of valuable counsel I want to investigate Grav bit more, as it look like it can be that kind of sweet spot I'm looking for.

in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

The easiest path would be Backdrop CMS. It has a direct upgrade from Drupal 7. You’d just need to get used to the new features (layouts, config management…) and improvements.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

Folks, thank you once again for all your great tips - #GravCMS ft. #Gantry framework look like to be my choice.
Actually, I am already migrating the stuff there. It seems to be exactly what I wanted.