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My 3rd cellphone in a row, the USB port is clogged again and I can barely plug anything in it. My laptop charger is the only thing that holds (barely).

All mechanical cleaning is useless (I've tried compressed air, interdental brushes of all kinds, small needles, etc.).

The first phone had a micro USB, and I replaced the clogged plug with a new one (until it happened again) which did not cost much but took days.

I assumed this would not happen with #USBC, but it still does. What do I do?

in reply to Miro Hrončok :fedora: :python:

just needle.
Every time you plug the charger a small amount of dust (collected from pockets) is compressed at the bottom of the connector. Over time the layer is large enough to prevent proper connection.
Take a needle and scratch it all off, from all sides.