In an effort to reduce administrative capacity, KitsuGay will be turning to AllowList Federation in two weeks.

KitsuGay will also be leaving KitsuRelay as a result of becoming allow-listed.

I encourage requests to be added to the allowlist by email & reply.

This is a decision that I am making on my own. The amount of times I have seen specific, individual users being attacked simply for using KitsuGay is honestly astonishing.

For some time now, there has been an ongoing effort to target and attack specific users for using the platform as intended. This is something that I just can't take anymore. This is my damned server. Nobody gets favors for being my admin, or for being my partner. I've punished and even suspended my own partners from this server and I'm still not afraid to do it again. Even worse is that people are complaining without having sent me a report, or an email about this matter.

This is pure pettiness. This is an administrative issue that is turning a mole-hill into a mountain, and could have been resolved ever so quickly, and that's why Kitsu is becoming a nightmare for me to administrate.

This server is an NSFW server. It's meant to be suspended and blocked, instead of people throwing shade for using this server as it was intended. This is a safe place for people to express their sexuality. I do my damned due diligence.

And for the record, do not fucking dare accuse me of "hurting minors". My log of alleged proactive suspensions is in the thousands. I take proactive measure to remove people who should not be on the platform. If you're afraid an individual is accessing KitsuGay inappropriately, then you can let me know, you can even tell me anonymously and i'll investigate.

Right now, Kitsu is on the rocks. I honestly don't know if I can continue running this server. I'm hoping that these changes will help me keep this thing i have poured my heart and soul into, alive, for all of us.
