This morning’s bee rescue. This little one and a friend were resting on a busy sidewalk by the park. The friend managed to fly away quite quickly but this one needed a little rest in the shade to recover. Managed to fly away eventually though :)
They’re such gentle, lovely creatures. Can’t believe I used to be scared of them as a kid. (Mostly because I mixed them up with wasps… now those bastards are nasty.)
#honeybee 💕🐝
in reply to Aral Balkan • • •Errant
in reply to Aral Balkan • • •Apparently not even all wasps, I had some paper wasps start to build a nest near me and it turns out they are known to, and have proven to be incredibly live and let live (though their hive did not really succeed so there was never *that* many of them).
(Admittedly, it's not exactly feasible to identify the pattern and antenna colors of a random wasp flying toward your face to adjust your attitude based on the specific species)
in reply to Aral Balkan • • •Aral Balkan
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in reply to Aral Balkan • • •Desikner
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Aral Balkan
in reply to Desikner • • •Arkadiusz Wieczorek
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Aral Balkan
in reply to ben • • •Aral Balkan
in reply to Aral Balkan • • •Nate Cull (.social)
in reply to Aral Balkan • • •John Johnston
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Wasps have a bad rep, but are good guys. I’ve been stung a few times but never for no reason from the wasps pov.
Scientists: Why we should appreciate wasps
By Helen Briggs (BBC News)Aral Balkan reshared this.
Aral Balkan
Unknown parent • • •Killab33z O.G.
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