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If you’re using Helix Editor, you might like the handful of keymap customisations I’ve implemented for myself:…

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Aral Balkan
Not sure, never used it. It’s based on it and there are several threads on the GitHub discussions about it.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I was going to add this to the discusion, but i'm not a helix user and figured maybe it'd be better to just pass it on to you and let you decide what to do with it.

> Be ergonomic: commonly used actions should be close to one another and not require large or uncomfortable movements of the fingers.

while i agree there are 2 problems with this:

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to masukomi

1. it assumes a consistent keyboard layout (and thus language)
* different languages have different layouts
* within a given language there are also different layouts (querty vs dvorak vs colemak for example)
2. it assumes the person has 2 hands with the "normal" shape and number of digits.
* this is admittedly an edge case
* this results in the usage of even more different layouts like Dvorak Left Handed or Dvorak Right Handed
in reply to masukomi

So, it's important to allow these to continue to be configurable, but _also_ one should consider adding internationalization support to the configs, or alternate configs for alternate layouts.
in reply to masukomi

Indeed. And your last point is a very important one and generic enough to apply to any editor, but especially to any modal one. If you wouldn’t mind opening an enhancement request or discussion about that, I feel it would be hugely beneficial to get folks thinking about it. (If you’re busy, I’ll be happy to when I find a moment.)
in reply to Aral Balkan

I'm reluctant to open an enhancement because 1) I'm not a user so it seems like a dick move to say "hey, you should do work" when i'm not a supporter or beneficiary of said work 2) i'm not really a member of that community and it generally sucks when outsiders poke their noses into your stuff and start telling you how things should be.

But, I figure you are a member, and _if_ you're interesting in raising that flag, it's now on your radar, and maybe will be on theirs. ;)