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It’s amazing to me just how far ahead of every other VPS provider Hetzner is in terms of server provisioning times. ~2× faster than their nearest competitor. They’re wiping the floor with the rest. For an industry obsessed with performance, this must be very embarrassing for their competitors.

PS. This is something I’ve verified first-hand in my own use of Hetzner and some of their competitors.

#vps #provisioning #performance #hetzner #virtualPrivateServer #comparison
in reply to Aral Balkan

They appear to be running some version of OpenStack, or XenServer, at least, that's what the API really looks like. Their prices look pretty good, also.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I did notice another thing or two about them Hetzner. I joined and it's definitely OpenStack, which I like, but they have their own "API" which is pretty much OpenStack's API. This doesn't sit right with me, as if they're pretending they built from scratch.

Also, if you look at their Wikipedia page, they have apparently shut down a few independent news sites, most recently a Ukrainian one at the behest of Russia.