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Dictators are bad. Unless they’re corporate dictators. In which case, they’re our billionaire heroes who will save us all.

Go capitalism!

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in reply to Aral Balkan

can't we just send him to mars already? he seems willing to go :D
in reply to tootbrute

@elias Sadly, not without ushering in a new era of indentured servitude.
in reply to Aral Balkan

“It’s not the first time Musk’s tough-love treatment of employees has come up.”

I could write a freaking thesis deconstructing all the things wrong with this sentence and the culture that allows this to uttered, not to mention published, but the TLDR would be: # # #

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Unlike real dictators, Elon can't (nor wants to) jail anyone who disagrees. These people are in-high-demand skilled workers who would find a new job in a matter of a few weeks, probably a better one. They are free to make their own choices. If employees revolt, he'll have no one to blame for tanking the company.
I was born in a country where you had to work where the state assigned you to work. That could be in a different time zone. That's a real dictatorship.
in reply to Aral Balkan

It is not about him, or any other CEO. You don’t like his new policy, you can leave, there are many other offers. Create a new company and put him out of business, or be your own boss. That’s free market.