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So why isn’t @gitea hosted on @codeberg?

It’s looking a bit ridiculous at this point for it to be on GitHub.…

#gitea #codeberg

in reply to Aral Balkan

this one confuses me every time I go look at the activity there
in reply to Aral Balkan

Hosting the Gitea project on a Gitea instance instead of Github was brought up when Gitea first joined the Fediverse, here's what they said:…

So, it seems Gitea are trying to move to an instance at but it's taking a long time to complete the move due to Github's ratelimiting and the vast amount of data involved.

in reply to FediThing has moved!

If GitHub is holding Gitea’s data hostage, this should be a should scandal. Please let us know if this is the case. I’m sure we can get that sorted very quickly once it comes out that that’s the only reason (if it’s the only thing holding this back).
in reply to Aral Balkan

Gitea must be bad if the developers are not even using it, so why should I?
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
if Gitea is not good enough for their developers to pull away from GitHub ... yet. Do they expect anyone to move away from GitHub to Gitea?
I would love Gitea to succeed and like the idea for Federation, but they are not leading people.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Aral Balkan

Right, so basically GitHub is holding you hostage.

This is a scandal.

A trillion-dollar company holding an open source project hostage by drip feeding it its data… *smh*

How long has your migration been in process? Were you able to contact GitHub? Did anyone reply?

Time to get some eyeballs on this as it’s entirely unacceptable.

#GitHubGate #Gitea #GitHub #dataPortability #lockIn #foss #git