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in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco Yeah, absolutely. But I don’t have any problems with that, quite the contrary, this allows me to observe even more people. People really are beautiful - in general: some busy wit phones, some shy, some curiously peeking at me, some looking with … is that a look of desire? …

And when I turn to then… quickly looking away as if they were just caught with their hands in the cookie jar, but sometimes with a smile, grin, question mark on their faces…

… so beautiful - most of them 🥰

in reply to Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: [NaG • NaB]

I sometimes envy you sighted folks in general about your ability to check out - or be checked out by other - people. I would never notice if someone was looking at me, with whatever expression. I'm not one of those people who "feel" if someone is looking at them. And I also can't look at other people. I can listen to them, and sometimes chime - or break - into their conversations. But that's a far more direct involvement than looking. And many peopel shy away from such direct engagement.
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco Yes, I was always wondring about that. But then again, sometimes it really is a blessing not to see *how* other people look at one.

When I was a kid, in my teens, being a black haired, darker skinned kid with hazel eyes among all the blond, blue or green haired kids was already difficult. But then seeing the adults looking at you as if you are an alien from another planet?

Luckily my aunt had raised a strong kid here, so I didn’t give them the slightest hint of a satisfaction. But still…

… having said that, I can only imagine how difficult it might be sometimes for you … to navigate this world: I can just imagine a place and travel there (finances and time permitting) without really any preparation…

I can never dare to even imagine how your life is, but i love hearing it.

in reply to Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: [NaG • NaB]

Well, one definite advantage is that, not being able to see people, I also don't fall into the trap of judging people by their appearance. If someone is white, dark-skinned, blond, black-haired or brunette, with black or hazel or whatever-colored eyes, are all attributes that aren't important to me. If you hadn't told me about your darker skin color, I would never have known, even if we had already known each other in person for several years. Unless, of course, it came up in a discussion and you would have told me, just like you did now. And yes, I definitely consider this an advantage. ;-)

But for example, dating settings or such, are much more comfortable for me when online, since a) I can read people's profiles, and get a general idea of what they're like, and b) my blindness is usually not evident right from the spot and "blinding" others, bringing out insecurities in them that are totally unnecessary, etc. Offline dating like in a club or such, is something that I gave up long ago

in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco Interestingly enough I actually fall in love more easily when I read what they write rather than when they speak or when i meet them.

I mean yes, there is sometimes sexual attraction when I see someone “sexy” (thus “sexual attraction”; not “sexy” like the media says it or like mainstream meaning of it), but that is it: sexual attraction. But that’s not love, that’s not even a crush.

I tell people “if you want me to fall in love with you, talk dirty to me” and with “dirty” I mean “intelligent, versatile in using grammar, tonality, a huge range of words, vernacular; but topics that are important, that make a change, that somehow … intellectual… and no, I don’t mean you have to know the French Existentialists by heart; but come on, *some* education, some books you have read, some books that moved you; be yourself while talking to me; be true , be authentic… and then, trust me, I will fall for you…

in reply to Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: [NaG • NaB]

Oh I know exactly what you mean! Someone who is intelligent, who manages to capture me with their good language, good manners, and kindness, and who I can carry on a conversation with, is very likely to make me fall for them. Yes, intelligence is sexy. And it very often makes a person sexually attractive to me, too, if they push my intellectual buttons and engage me that way.

So, it appears we are on a similar page here. :-)

in reply to Marco Zehe

@Marco Aehm, … are we flirting now? 😂
Just kidding: you are right, we indeed do appear to be on the same page … 🫂💜