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Interesting idea:

@tomasino and @rysiek on Contract Based Dependency Management

Quoting Rysiekúr for a definition:

"The basic idea boils down to this: when deciding if a given version of a given dependency is compatible with a dependent piece of software, instead of relying on version numbers – rely on tests that actually verify the functionality and behaviour that piece of software actually depends on"

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Xenharmonic Forest
some languages may also automatically infer safe dep upgrades if no changes were made that could affect test results
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I could also run a full end-to-end test (so all dependencies are included) to get a level of safety, couldn't I?
@humanetech @tomasino
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Thus the 🤔

I will need to give it more thought.
@humanetech @tomasino
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Xenharmonic Forest
for strongly normalising languages, hashed normal form of expressions seems like a natural method. Even non-strongly normalising languages could hash reduced expressions a la #-lang