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What it means when people exhort non-White peeps to “start your own instance” or go to another more suitable one—-the digital version of White Flight/segregation.

“[Mastodon risks] ghettoizing the Black community in a federated space. All of the Black people go here and [other] instances have the option of engaging with them or deeding from them.]”

#BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #Inequality
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to D. Elisabeth Glassco

I’m new here but this is why I wanted to join a broad instance but hashtag and follow the hell out of Bipoc and marginalized folks. Don’t know if that logic will pan out, but so far, I’m loving what and who I see and engage with.
in reply to Melody Cooper

Yes, I feel exactly the same way! I was going to join the black twitter Mastodon or the one for journalists or Mastodon.scholar or even one limited to America. But, like you, I don’t want to be in a silo.