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This is a really nice read about whether #LLMs can actually reason:
I think expecting language models to reason like the math engines maght be a bit out of range! Nice try!
in reply to victor tsaran

index with 0 vs 1 as start was interesting. However, when I learned matlab which use index 1 as start, I frequently made makes because of habit. lol
in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim Yeah, totally get it. But I thought the example was quite illustrative.
in reply to victor tsaran

aside from if they CAN do math, it’s an enormously expensive way to do math
in reply to Tim Kellogg

@kellogh Luckily, there are ways to deal with this, for example, by using the Program Aided vanguage approach. But yeah, LLMS were not really built to do math. Although, the minute I said this, someone probably came up with a technique!!! :)