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Today the EU is voting on #chatcontrol - again!

We call on the 27 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers to defend encryption! ๐Ÿ”’ ๐Ÿ’ช

Privacy is a human right and it's time politicians understand that.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read our open letter:โ€ฆ


in reply to Tuta

Can Tuta actually leave the EU if Chat Control is ever accepted?

If not, are there any other measures that can be taken to minimize the impact of Chat Control on Tuta's users?

I'd really like to know.

in reply to Professor Code

@ProfessorCode We are weighing our options; but for now, we focus on fighting the law so that it is not going to pass in its current form.
in reply to Tuta

Imagine being an EU citizen and having to connect to privacy/human rights respecting services like Tuta, Signal via a proxy like under an authoritarian government...

That's not an EU I want to live in.

in reply to Tuta

Merkel meinte doch, dass das Internet "fรผr uns alle" Neuland sei.
Wenn unsere Politiker nicht wissen, was das Internet ist und wie man damit umgeht, wie kรถnnen die bestimmen, was man dort tun soll/muss oder nicht?