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Sharing my plans for #MastodonForHarris fundraiser: Incredibly, it is now conceivable that we will hit the current target of $125,000 soon, maybe even today. When we do, I will adjust the target. I hope I have been clear from the beginning; each target is a a benchmark, not an endpoint. 1/…
in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

I am continuing my efforts to contact key people in digital, outreach, and elsewhere in the Harris campaign. Eventually, I will get through, I’m sure. I’d like to have a list ready of qualified volunteers who could assist the campaign in understanding Mastodon and the Fediverse, setting up and maintaining an instance, and so forth. If you are interested in being contacted should an opportunity arise, please provide your details here…. 2/ #MastodonForHarris
This entry was edited (1 month ago)