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Serious question for the fediverse: what screen readers do y'all use? How do they interact with the software you use? Does it expose an explicit limitation on how the programs you use are developed?
#screenreader #softwaredevelopment #visualdisability
in reply to the Lobdegg

My primpary screen reader is JAWS for Windows. As for the rest, I didn't really get your questions. What do you mean by limitations? If the question is whether there is inaccessible software, then of course, plenty!
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion I was mostly meaning how with a lot of tools (features, APIs, protocols, etc), there are things you can look for that will tell you if a piece of software will play nice or if it's just trial by fire. I'm still pretty new to attempting to integrate screen reader support and the documentation I've found leaves a lot to be desired. So I figured I'd just ask the community who actually uses them. See what wisdom I can glean from y'all.
in reply to the Lobdegg

I'm glad to help. What platform are you developing for? It's a large topic to discuss, so I'd like to narrow it a bit.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion right now I'm doing the Linux ports. My work station runs Debian, so that's definitely my starting point.
in reply to the Lobdegg

Well… Here I won't be of much help since I'm not a desktop Linux user and I reckon is way far from being really usable as a day-to-day system. But I do know that GTK is accessible under Linux, as well as both Chrome and Firefox.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion Yeah, unfortunately there's no web code (all native binary). As for Gtk, I'd like to avoid requiring it unless absolutely necessary. I fear this is going to take a bit to figure out.
in reply to the Lobdegg

As for native, I really don't know. On Windows there is WinAPI, but on Linux… Maybe @alex19EP will be of better help. Alex, there is a developer interested in adding accessibility to their apps in Linux. the apps are native binaries, whatever it means on Linux. I still guess you invoke some desktop-related bindings, although again, I have no idea about native GUI in Linux.