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Do you think #trurl should be able to convert an incoming JSON to a URL output?
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I'd say no. I'd prefer to keep it simple, trurl translate URLs , not JSON or any other format that (could) represent URLs by some un/defined model/schema.

That will make it easier to use too, fewer options from TAB completion, shorter man page to read and so on.

Keep up the good work, you rock!

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I think I agree with your comment on GitHub. Adding this feature would add quite a bit of complexity, if only because of the JSON parser that now becomes necessary. Not sure how often such a feature would be needed anyway ?
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I saw that issue yesterday, and while I like the idea I think the added complexity of a whole json parser might be a bit much at the moment. It's probably possible to use jq to build a url out of the json output from trurl, so it would just be duplicating functionality of an existing tool