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In 1988 me and my friend wrote a game on the #C64: "Horror Drive". Today, 36 years later, this site is updated to mention it:
in reply to Elias Mårtenson

@loke I spent years on the C64. Most of the stuff I worked on was released as part of the demo team Horizon: . Some of those also possible to view on YouTube. I used the nick bagder already then.

I have not gone back no....

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

another day, another piece of code mentioning Daniel Stenberg, and oddly enough it is not curl
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

at least you have something to fall back on if this curl thing doesn't work out ... I too wrote 'games' back then (TI994a) and remember late nights working on levels so friends could play the next day (mostly arcade clones) ... today I care less about games...