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in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

The astroturfing of the fash was absurdly blatant: people with MAGA and Trump hats, a lot of them recording themselves into a phone; bunch of terfs shouting “something something biology”; lots of gammons pretty close to a heart attack or a liver failure by the looks of them
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

There were even a couple of Poundland Tate clones, one of them with a t-shirt that said “the new right”. Oh, honey: it’s the same old right. All in all, they must have been about 50 people, and we were at the very least a couple of hundreds (though very likely more)
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

That's more than when we were out (12 at most vs the same hundreds). The main obvious difference as ever is 'bussed in vs actual locals'.
in reply to Nick Richards

@nedrichards Yeah, there were clearly a bunch of non-local people when they picked up stuff and moved out at the end. The fact that they managed to pick up numbers isn't great. We'll see next month…
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

(the caption on the second picture has an autoincorrect error on the most important word 😅)