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Today we are proud to announce the launch of the world's first #postquantum secure email platform! 🥳🎉

With TutaCrypt your data is safe against quantum computer attacks at rest & in transit. ⚛️ 🔒

Learn more about this quantum leap in #security here:

in reply to Tuta

very nice. Congrats! As an aside, do we need a paid account to change a ‘tutamail’ account to just ‘tuta’?
in reply to Tuta

How do we know if our account is using post quantum encryption? Updating the app is enough?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Nino

@Popper0716 Right now, only new accounts will use pq, but we'll roll it out to existing ones soon.
in reply to Tuta

Specifically, will there be any indication to the individual? An app indicator or an in-app overlay/toast?
in reply to :blobfoxtrash:

@bappypawbs @Popper0716 Yes, you will notice this as there will be an additional icon that signals whether an email is encrypted with pq encryption.
in reply to Tuta

Been using this past couple of years. I still can't bulk import my email exports.
in reply to Desert Rat

@desertrat We're already working on import and are making good progress. Stay tuned.
in reply to Tuta

🫡 keeping us safe and private as always
in reply to Ed57

@ed57 Please reach out to our support team at for assistance with this issue.
in reply to Tuta

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish you all the best! You have done an amazing job. Thank you very much.
One of the huge number of satisfied TutaMail customers !!!