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I'm thinking we could switch to another format for the #libcurl documentation:
in reply to Martin Peck

@martinpeck Since this needs to render clean and nice man-pages, I rather just carefully add support for what we need and what we can make look good so I'm starting with just the basics
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://, take what you need and nothing else? Makes sense. And would stripping/ignoring unwanted/unsupported stuff from a MD file be harder?

The reason I ask is partly editor support for MD is pretty good, so if users are editing something with a .md extension they get a bunch of stuff for free. Even GitHub will nicely render a .MD file for you.

I suspect your approach is a safer approach though. Just thinking out loud.

in reply to Martin Peck

@martinpeck since I'm not really sure exactly how much I can/will support I did not really want to call it markdown... at least not yet
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Yep. Understood. I think it's a good approach. As you say, plenty of casual contributors can edit MD-like docs.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Looks cool! Btw how does this differ from something like a yaml frontmatter? Can you have more than on in a page?

(sorry if a dumb question, I couldn't find any examples of the actual syntax)

in reply to Tc001

@tc001 I don't know anything about what others do. =) But yes, that looks like a *very* similar format!
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Nice, now i'm wondering if it could be directly fed into the existing tools that support that format to generate HTML docs from it as well... 🤔
Either way, good luck with the format, will be interesting to see how it pans out!
in reply to Tc001

@tc001 we generate HTML directly from the man pages so that is already covered
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

big +1 on making it easier to contribute. I opted to skip man pages entirely in my more recent projects largely because I find that the *roffs are so unfriendly to use and maintain.

PS: scrolling through the PR I smiled when I got to the perl parts: definitely written by someone, like me, that did tech stuff in the 90's and early 00's 🙂

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Today from the "not without robust testing automation" department…
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Neat! do you happen to have a comparison with ronn or pandoc ( or ) or is it a simple enough subset that building up from the man pages you already had was good enough?
in reply to Mark Eichin

@eichin I wanted stronger integration and more control of the end result so that for example my website renders would remain functional
in reply to Mangdries

@Mangdries you're probably right, but I don't see how that PR is related...