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We get such requests a lot. How do you like our response?! 😍

#Fight4Privacy #NoAds 🔒💪

Remember: If it's free, you are the product. Premium in Tutanota is only 1€/month. Consider upgrading! 🙏😉

in reply to Tuta

I completely agree - but in free Tutanota accounts - I am also the product then?
in reply to Secure RootD

@securerootd No, we don't track you as we want to provider privacy to everyone. But if you can afford it, do upgrade!
in reply to Tuta

These are the sort of approaches I inherently do not trust. People who do not do Their home I block, mark as spam and ignore. There is too much spam, stupid volume marketing. Occasionally I just give up on things because of this. AI will not make it smarter but may make Me go offline. #sad