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Cameras at #37c3 are learning about the community's hands-on approach to privacy.
in reply to JP

@daedalus 👍 if you see anyone covering a surveillance camera: no, you didn’t
in reply to Garth Kidd

@garthk @daedalus The other day at Woolworths I mis-scanned something and the staffer logged in, and before they could reverse the transaction they watched an actual video of the item being scanned from inside the bottom glass plate. So that’s a thing.
in reply to JP

if only lots of people could request their personal information, the big out been charging the cost of retrieval

@daedalus @stilgherrian @garthk @arturo182

in reply to pblakez

@pblakez @daedalus @stilgherrian @garthk Which is what GDPR article 15 is for. Those services (potentially) tracking to much and I cannot avoid them get such a request once a year (there are templates for that even). Won't get rid of it entirely, but if enough people doing that might keep the corps at bay a little.

Spread the word :awesome:

PS: And follow up with art 17 to have them delete. Insist on 17.2 for some extra fun (recursive deletion wherever they shared data to) 😈

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

@IzzyOnDroid The GDPR doesn't help me as an Australian citizen dealing with an Australian company.
The Australian Privacy Principles are about all we have that's useful thus far, but I and others have been collectively working on improving the situation.
in reply to JP

@daedalus Thanks for your engagement! I must admit I am not that informed on how it's dealt with outside EU. But I agree we shall use all the powers we have to make this a better world!