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⚡️ BREAKING ⚡️ Today's vote on #chatcontrol has been postponed a second time!

EU countries can't find a compromise for chat control - and the EU Parliament is not even involved, yet.

This is a great sign that #chatcontrol - one of the most criticized EU laws ever - will fail.


in reply to Tuta

All experts in #TheNetherlands are against it. The parlement is against it, yet the Cabinet wants to vote for it. How? #democracy #EU #chatcontrol
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Tuta

RUPTURE ⚡️ Le vote d'aujourd'hui sur #chatcontrol a été reporté une deuxième fois !

Les pays de l'UE ne parviennent pas à trouver un compromis sur le contrôle du chat - et le Parlement européen n'est même pas encore impliqué.

C’est un bon signe que le #chatcontrol – l’une des lois européennes les plus critiquées – échouera.

Lire la suite : 👇

in reply to Tuta

Good news, thanks for sharing. 💪

We notice that the Mastodon icon is being used on your site, yes? Have you considered a Fediverse icon instead? Using a M'don icon misrepresents wider fediverse as M'don (now with previously rejected #darkPatterns). It misleads and invariably marginalises worthy instances that aren't M'don.

The following was developed in collaboration with great fedizens who felt a more sensible icon for fediverse was needed (

Thoughts welcome

in reply to Tuta

As always when it comes to these things: Thank you Germany!
in reply to Tuta

@riana but this doesn't mean folks should let up on tearing apart this awful bill.

Everyone agrees CSAM is fucking awful, but treating everyone as guilty until found innocent by scanning their devices ain't the way to police this, especially if that breaks encryption & the right to privacy