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Time it takes for a hacker to brute force your password.


Good to know: Tutanota checks your password upon signup and makes sure it's strong enough. Secure your emails now:

Of course, we also support 2FA on all clients.

Stay secure! 😍
in reply to Tuta

tools like #Veracrypt just do not say you entered wrong password. It's because it is used to derive a sequence of keys and all of them are tied before one key somewhere far in the chain actually works. Thus the bruteforcer has to decide for himself when to stop each attempt. Which key number in the sequence will be used is selected at password setting time. It takes ~5 seconds to derive a proper key from a correct password on modern CPU.

Way to go with passwords.
in reply to Tuta

I know this is an ad but I really hope you're not using MD5 as your key derivation function (KDF) because that's what this graphic is for. Please use something proper like argon2. All the graphics can be found here: