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I wonder: If a project deliberately unilaterally abandons a #Freedesktop specification, would it be reasonable to ignore their voice in subsequent change discussions to that particular specification, for changes that other projects want to make to it?

After all, by breaking the convention, there apparently is no longer any interest in collaboration and cross-desktop integration anyway...

It would suck though, it would make the Linux desktop poorer, inconsistent and app dev's lives harder.

in reply to Matthias Klumpp

The icon theme spec situation is complicated for everyone. I invited Nate to start a conversation on xdg-specs.

On notifications, I'd appreciate your feedback on… - I think we can unblock things easily on fdo notifications depending on the outcome.

Also, I tried to reach out twice by email about our conversation to revive the freedesktop community. Let's catch up?

in reply to Sonny…
in reply to Sonny

@sonny Jup, already saw it and I pretty much agree with Nate on almost all points. We need to seriously improve the spec to be more useful for projects, as it has not been updated significantly for over a decade 🙂

GNOME's feedback would of course be very welcome, but I think GNOME's decision is already set in a different direction.

in reply to Sonny

> Also, I tried to reach out twice by email about our conversation to revive the freedesktop community. Let's catch up?

Oh no, I didn't see any email! Where did you send it? I would have replied for sure otherwise!

As for the notifications thing, I was a bit burnt out on controversies so I was basically waiting to see how things develop, as I didn't have an opinion yet. I do now though, so I should reply there.

in reply to Matthias Klumpp

@sonny Oh great, GMail spammed it... And you replied to my initial mail, even! Why is Google's spam filter so bad now? I'm really sorry, I will reply once I'm back from work!