What to do with people around who are carrying AI Wearables that listen to everything said and record it and send conversations to whatever language model processor? How even find out? By asking? Searching? Pat down? Is friendship ended if they refuse to shut it off? Similar for home assistants. Don't visit such people anymore?
(luckily I don't know anyone who actually uses such shit, so it's hypothetical).

#Privacy #AI #Wearables #SpyDevices #ModernWorldShit #Datenschutz #Privatsphäre

in reply to erAck

Do we need to permanently carry "spy detectors" with us to protect ourselves from such, and do appropriate "spy detectors" even exist? Remembering things like Google Glass, and that Ray Ban has some glasses with Meta's stuff included, makes this look like more than just a hypothetical question – rather a question how wide-spread it is, and how deep in danger we are in this concern.

And yes, detection is only part of it. What to do if something *is* detected?