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in reply to AntennaPod

great! Hope to see more podcasting 2.0 features soon!
in reply to AntennaPod

congrats! 🥂

But for that million+ devices I'd wish they'd get their apps on F-Droid

in reply to AntennaPod

You're basically the best podcast app out there - thanks for all you do! (I got my copy from F-Droid too, but it seems like they don't have a download count?)
in reply to AntennaPod

don't overlook the option for download on #FDroid. 🙂
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to AntennaPod

I wish, you could check how often it was downloaded from F-Droid.
Great App, actually the only one I've ever used for podcasts: It was the first try on F-Droid, it was good, no need to try something else. :)
in reply to AntennaPod

congratulations! Reminded me to donate, i use the app everyday. Thnaks for all the work😀
in reply to AntennaPod

bravo et c'est mérité. Top 10 des app ever pour Android.
in reply to AntennaPod

Quality that prevails. It's great that it still exists.

Thanks a million for developing the app, keeping it free and sharing it via F-Droid as well.