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“Security experts” on here arguing against the use of password managers because they “don’t trust anything”.

Well dude, I guess you can’t use any computers ever again then and will have to move to the woods. Good luck.

in reply to Esther is practicing

Seriously though, if you look at the alternatives, it becomes clear why using a password manager is the right choice:

You can use the same memorized password everywhere: bad, because if it gets compromised in one place, everything else is immediately cracked open too.

You can use different passwords and memorize all of them: bad, because it’s extremely challenging or even impossible for most people to remember that many hard-to-guess passwords.

You can use different passwords and write them down on paper: very bad, because anyone getting access to that paper immediately has access to the accounts. Also no protection against loss, theft or damage.

Password managers aren’t perfect (nothing ever is) but any well-proven one is substantially better than any of the alternatives for most people.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)