Any experience with wire-free robotic mowers, any recommendations? It's a fairly new area. We had a wire-based mower, but it was a valley of tears, so we'd like to change.

#Husquarna seems good, but expensive. #Segway has some good reviews, as does #Mammotion. #Gardena Sileno Free appeals to me because it has an extra cutting disc for trimming edges, but it's completely new on the market, so no independent reviews.

#gardening #lawnmower #lawnmowers

in reply to Jiří Eischmann

So. . .here's the thing:

You know how much of a pain in the ass it was to configure your wire-based one? And how bad it was at pretty much everything?

The wire-free ones that I've heard of friends using are apparently worse. One had a segway one, and one had another that I can't remember the brand of.

The segway one apparently will only mow a small section of their yard, no matter what they do. And, like, they don't have a big yard, so by "small section" I mean a roughly 8 ft square.

. . .I don't think robo-mowers are ready for the market yet, at all.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to b4ux1t3 #1️⃣

@b4ux1t3 ah, don't even tell me that. :( the wire-based one actually worked quite well when everything was OK. But then the watering guys came to add an extra sprinkler, of course, cut the wire even though I showed them where it was. Then another guy came to install a drain pipe and of course he cut the wire even though I showed him where it was. And then the patches dry out and start randomly malfunctioning... The maintenance of it was difficult.