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Show instance better when selecting?

!Friendica Support Okay, I have to confess I may have too many single user instances.. but.. :-D
Do I miss a setting? These accounts are on different instances all.
in reply to Grischa

@Grischa Not missing a setting, this display might be older than the creation of the frio theme even. @Fabio
Unknown parent

Jonathan Lamothe
@Matthias/E I do a non-trivial amount of interaction with Friendica through a touchscreen. MouseOver text is not helpful in this case.
Unknown parent

Thanks! For me that helps. But of course it would be better to see it directly in that huge empty space... ;-)
in reply to Grischa

@Grischa @Matthias/E The problem is that this huge empty space is limited, I'm not even sure it could accommodate "" for example, and your username isn't the longest I've seen either.

I would still give a shot, see how it looks. Do you need help locating the relevant code?