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Hey, remember that you can join #WritingTreat during #NaNoWriMo this year again. That's when we really kicked it off last year. Oh and, ofc the rest of the month for NaNo-prep. No one is required to follow NanoWrimo "rules or goals"

We're a twice-weekly writing group, with few option for video or voice chat. We're ND friendly, and try to focus once or twice during a two hours slot. 😅
We are actively working to be an anti-racist space, and filled with queer and trans people.

There will be space for additional sessions during the month, but that requires more people to host. And even if you only want to offer to host once session during the whole month, that could really help the community!

Feel free to ask me or @ljwrites for an invite to the matrix chat room as well!

And wiki info is here (we try to keep this updated)
You can Check out our other hosts from under the hashtag too.


This entry was edited (6 months ago)