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Testing the new UI in #IntellijIdea 2022.3 #IDE

So far:
✅ bigger contrast
✅ bigger focus on the code window
✅ bigger focus on git branching
✅ bigger focus on project switching
✅ git author annotation

But it will take a couple of days to fully get used to it... I am still automatically looking for tabs to where there used to be...
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

Taky teď koukám. To menu se dá vrátit, ale zkusím tomu dát šanci bez něj.
in reply to Michal Špondr

@michal Taky jsem ho tam zprvu vrátil, ale pak jsem zapřemýšlel a vlastně ho nepoužívám tak často aby tam muselo trčet pořád.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

What bothers me a bit is the large useless empty space in the top bar.
It almost calls for solution like Gnome's CSD - merging the top bar into the window header. Can Java runtime and it's gui libs do something like that? I don't thing so...