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Not that many years ago, when walking on a sidewalk the sight of an adult cyclist on the sidewalk would annoy me. I mean, they just weren’t supposed to be there! Jerks! But these days when I see someone cycling on the sidewalk, as I did today, I see a person for whom the transportation infrastructure around them has failed them, and made them feel unsafe. And I’m glad to see that they’ve taken to the sidewalk to ride safely.


in reply to Mark Connolly 🍻 πŸš΄πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ (he, him, his)

All of those "safely riding" cyclists on the sidewalks are a huge danger for pedestrians, namely some categories of them. I'm totally blind, and yesterday I nearly got hit by such a "safe-runner". Actually, he touched me with his bike, it hurt a bit, but it could have been far, far worse. So from my perspective of a blind pedestrian, everything that has wheels must be on the road. Claim a safe part of the road, a curb between you and cars, β€” I personally don't care.