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FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist

FediNuke/tier0.csv transparency update:

Added some new bias sources to replace a removed one, and increased the consensus requirement. This caused some removals.

No new instances added to FediNuke. Two dead instances removed:


Removed 16 dead instances from my larger tier0.csv list. After these changes, another 9 instances failed to meet the consensus requirement for inclusion without overrides. I used my override process to add back 5 that were of sufficient severity. See more about my override process: I can force-add instances that almost have the minimum consensus requirement, with minimal overhead.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist
Huh, is all the “No Agenda” stuff dead, or just the one domain?
in reply to timorl

re: FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist
@timorl migrated to spiritual successor; I’ll update that later.
in reply to Seirdy

re: FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist
Damn, I was hoping there was some cause for celebration. Oh well.
in reply to timorl

re: FediMeta, FediNuke blocklist
@timorl the successor is on the list and has been for a long time, FWIW. I just didn’t want to remove the original until I was sure it was down, and it looks like it is.